Error: the output temporary archive file size is null

I began using Paquet Builder in 2019 to install an Access Database in several computers, and it worked fine, but when I updated to Paquet builder 2020 and 2021, i get this error.

Unexpected error: the output temporary archive file size is null; it means that the files could not be compressed. Please check your file list and the compression options; then try to build the package again by pressing F10.

I suspect Windows Directory Protection may be the cause, but I don’t know how to change it and why the error appears when it tries to compress the files. I’ve tried to build without compressing, change the default folders, etc, but unsuccessfully.

Any clue?

If you are using Windows directory protection, indeed you will not be able to have your applications as Paquet builder that can access your files. You must either disable it temporarily, or add an exception for Paquet builder as described here :

Yes, it worked!
I disabled the windows controlled folder access and tried to compile again and the process finished well. I was in doubt because Paquet Bulder app doesn’t appear among the blocked apps. I’ll try to add manually to the list of allowed apps.
Thanks for your answer.

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