ExeOutput 2.0 - A matter of weeks?

Any news on when v2 might be out?

In May 2014, it was ‘a matter of weeks’ [1]

In December 2014, it was ‘a matter of weeks’ [2]

It’s now March 2015, and we have been looking forward to it for a long time. Is there anything more specific you can give us than ‘a matter of weeks’?

As you can see, we recently updated all of our major products, except ExeOutput which is taking more time than initially expected. Now our efforts are focused on it.


So, a matter of weeks?

Yes or no. We’ll see.
Until that, here is a screenshot of the new Components page with UI editor:

Looks great :smile:
I am also looking for for it for a very long time but I think it will be worth.

Thank you

While this looks great and it does, if I’m honest the only feature I really need in the next release is a newer version of the Chromium engine to be embedded. The issues I have tend to be related to the way pages are rendered with issues that have been fixed for a long time in newer versions of Chrome. Please can you confirm which version of Chromium is currently embedded in ExeOutput v1.7 and which version will be embedded with v2 when released? Thank you.

I just want to add my voice in saying I have been waiting a long time for ExeOutput to support PHP v5.4. There were so many new things added between v5.3 and v5.4 that I have stopped using ExeOutput and simply have been waiting for the change. Being able to layout what you want inside of ExeOutput will be a great bonus. Thanks again for making this product!

I have another feature request for v.2.0… this is a really simple one… Please can we have a way to toggle the ‘Stay on Top’ option at runtime (perhaps with HE script). The way it is at the moment you’re forced to choose, before compiling, whether the app will stay on top of other windows or not. Then you’re stuck with your choice when it is really the kind of choice that should be available to the end user.

In ExeOutput 2, we implemented CEF 3.2171.1979 - Update to Chromium version 39.0.2171.95

We are on PHP 5.4.x branch now.

It’s on the TODO list.

Looks awesome - worth the wait.

Really looking forward to this!

Just one thing… Please please please can you fix the exclude folders issue so it automatically excludes all files and the contents of folders within the selected folder too :wink: - I’ve been waiting for a fix for that for so loooong - would make my workflow so much easier - thanks! - hell, I’ll pay you extra maintenance just for that…!!

any news about support Geolocation.getCurrentPosition()


I must have a VERY early copy of ExeOutput v1.7 then because mine says it uses v5.3. MANY months ago when I asked about this I was told v5.4 would be in the next major release of ExeOutput (ie: version 2.0). Which is why I have been waiting to upgrade. Guess I will have to re-up my license and/or buy a new copy. :smile:

Is there going to be audio tags put back in?

Video tags work fine so I’ll see whether audio works too. Of course, no MP3 reading but maybe OGG and free formats.
ExeOutput 2 is based on CEF3.

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My suggestions:
Loading Screen animated (Gif/SWF)
Loading Screen (PNG transparency)
Server Host example:, localhost etc. (options: on/off)
Php dir uploads example: images (directory for our files)
Advanced support for mysql
Advanced support for printer (WebKit)
add option full screen key pressed example: f11

:smiley: thanks

Some of these features are already implemented, thanks for the suggestions :smiley:

We’re working on updating the general demo (that ships with ExeOutput) with more samples in order to try all of the most requested features like video, developer tools, PHP 5.4, PHP OP_CACHE extension to make PHP script execution faster.
When the demo is OK, we’ll release it so that it can be publicly tested. The new CEF3 is multi-process enabled, so it needed a complete core rewrite and requires a lot of testing.

Thank you for the long waiting. ExeOutput 2 is a major rewrite but we hope it will be worth the wait. Of course, its release date depends on our testing.

Some screenshots of the new visual editor and the ribbon UI component:

Ribbon + CEF3 developer tools working fine:

Ribbon UI editor to design the main interface:

PHP 5.4 phpinfo()

it looks great.
If you need a tester, write me a Mail

Out of interest, how integral is the PHP version to the software? It would be great if you could easily swap PHP versions for different projects. Is that something feasible, or is the ExeOutput code linked too tightly to a specific PHP runtime?

For example, I would like to build some of my projects using PHP 5.3, and I bet that in the future, when PHP 7 comes out, there will be an even greater need for alternative PHP back-ends to be supported, as older code may not be easily upgradeable to newer PHP versions.

I wouldn’t expect ExeOutput to ship with different versions, but it would be cool if I could download an alternative PHP binary from http://windows.php.net/ and drop it into my project.

We can’t swap the PHP version easily unfortunately. It is tied to our core. We are also working on some alternative, but they are still prototypes and won’t be in v2.