How to make registered publication only, no restricted version

I want to make my publication registered only, no restricted version.

  1. So I ticked the “Create restricted pubication checkbox”, opened the Default cert and ticked the “Do not allow access to the publication without prior registration” checkbox.

  2. Then opened the Registered cert, customised some settings and compiled the publication.

  3. Running it, when the nag screen comes up, if I don’t register but press the “I want to try the application” radio button and press “Continue”, it runs my full publication (without registration).

Tried it a few times but same result my full publication is shown, without registration.
What is it that I am doing wrong?

Please explain briefly the steps to make just registered publication only, no restricted publication needed.

Your steps are correct. And you should see this screen then:

No “I want to try the application” should be visible.

In your case, you probably already run your publication EXE file before making changes to the certificates, so you have first to reset all trial data.

To reset, do this:

Thank you very much, @gdgsupport. It worked exactly as you said.

Thank you very much, @gdgsupport. It worked exactly as you said.

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