HTML5 tags not working using Webkit engine

I am having issues using HTML 5’s tags when creating an exe with the Webkit engine.

The poster images and control bar are shown, however the video itself does not play at all, is there any special protocol for using video within an exe generated by ExeOutput with the Webkit engine on, or does it simply not work?

I originally tested this with Trident and IE9 and the video played without issue, however there are obvious compatibility issues for users with older versions of IE and the fallbacks that I have tried do not appear to work within ExeOutput.

Any help would be much appreciated, Thanks!

This is a known problem; we hope this will be fixed in the next version that should include an updated Chromium build.

Thanks, is the difficulty getting video Fallbacks to work with Trident also a known issue or is there a viable way around this problem?

Video works with Trident, provided that you work with Silverlight for instance. HTML5 video has not been tested, however HTML5 audio works (see the General Demo).