Interbase (SOLVED)


I need to have php_interbase.dll included in my PHP.
I copied the file from one apache and included in ext/ and enabled in ExeOutput.
I also included fbclient.dll in final app. folder.

But when i build the exe and check phpinfo(), i dont have the interbase included.

Any clues?


ExeOutput works with PHP 5.3.x. Is the php_interbase.dll file designed for that version of PHP?
Moreover, from the PHP doc, gds32.dll is required by php_interbase.dll in order to work. You can try to place this DLL in the same folder as your EXE (or in the Data\ext subfolder).


Yes i have found the problem
The dll was not for 5.3.5

Not it is and it works like a charm.
Love the app
