No more internet explorer

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If IE is no more then what we will happen to html executable and to our products out there.

Will you guys plan to update it good browser ?

i would also like to know this as i have noticed windows 10 2020, doesnt support exe files from html executable with previous ie components configured.

That’s false fortunately. EXE files will work on Windows 10 2020 if you build them with the latest version of HTML Executable 4.9.5 and for those who don’t want to or can’t build EXE files, you can install the latest runtime, as explained in the “news” page at

Sure, HTML Executable 2020 will have Chromium inside it, and we are also trying to implement the new Edge/Chromium engine to replace the good old Trident engine that was powering IE 11.
Note that your products made with HTML Executable 4.9 will continue to work, because Microsoft is killing IE itself, but not the Trident engine that is also powering a lot of other products, including Microsoft HTML Help. IE is a product, but the Trident engine (that we use in HTML Executable 4.9) remains a core component implemented into Windows (even Windows 10 May 2020 update did not kill it).

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:star_struck: we are waiting for new Edge/Chromium engine.
But please don’t compromise on security.
And IE had limitations, but with new engine it can perform better because of this you can introduce new features and upgrade current availabile features to next level which was not possible due to limitations of IE.
So ask for feedback for additional features.

Sure, do not hesitate to open a new thread and post your suggestions. As you can see in the changelogs of our software, we listen to customers and try to add most suggestions.