Paquet Builder 3.2 available

We’re glad to inform all of our users that Paquet Builder 3.2 is out. We recommend all users to upgrade if their maintenance hasn’t expired.

What’s new:

  • New navigation bar, allowing faster navigation between settings pages.
  • New improved online and offline documentation.
  • New Action filter allowing you to quickly choose which custom action to add.
  • New “Creation Directive Skeleton” feature: you can export basic directive files from projects.
  • New Action Templates feature. Lets you import templates of custom actions directly in your projects.
  • New place to share custom action templates at
  • Added initial support for Windows 10 (%OSVER% is set to 17 when running on Windows 10).
  • New custom action “Find one string within another”.
  • Improved support for command line switches for packages. New variables %PARAM%, %PARAM2%, %PARAM3%… See documentation.
  • Enable silent mode for installers and uninstallers from command line thanks to new action templates.
  • Set destination path from command line thanks to new action templates.
  • Register File Association thanks to new action templates.
  • Set the language from command line thanks to new action templates.
  • Fixed runtime error while creating archive files.
  • Fixed: the console compiler sometimes displayed error messages as standard message boxes.
  • Fixed: increased range of integers for “Do Arithmetic” custom action.
  • Fixed: some spaces in command line options were not working correctly, even if quotes were specified.
  • Fixed: files in Main component were always unpacked, even if the associated component variable was set to FALSE.
  • Deprecated: %SELLANGID% has been superseded by %PBLANGID%. Setting %PBLANGID% at runtime lets you dynamically change the displayed language in multilanguage packages.
  • Updated C compiler and associated linker to Pelles C 8.00 RC6.
  • Updated console compiler.
  • Several minor improvements.

Paquet Builder is a 7-Zip Self-Extracting archive and/or an installer maker for Windows. Thanks to its exhaustive feature set, you can create flexible and compact self-extractors and installers for professional file and software delivery.

Visually construct simple or sophisticated multilanguage distribution and installation packages; change any detail of your setup’s design and behavior, protect files, work with custom actions, build packages silently and much more!

Free fully-functional trial available at

More information at