PHP DLL Error while starting up the EXE

Dear Support,

I have downloaded the trial version and trying to compile and run the program me but i am constantly getting the following error:

which says; that the DLL file is not being found, while i have checked and double checked and its there. We have also tried the embedding in EXE option and it is also giving the same error. Kindly help.

Hi, Any help on the problem?

You need to enable this DLL in “PHP Extensions”.

Go to “PHP Settings” > “PHP Extensions”
In the list find the “php_enchant.dll” (I think is in top of the list) and right-click in the “php_enchant.dll” and click in “Compile into EXE”

I think that is all.

See the image:

If you already do that, I can’t help. :frowning:

Thanks a lot, but i am already doing :frowning:

Took a more deep look at php_enchant.dll and it has a dependency: it requires libenchant.dll. Do you have this DLL file in the same folder as the EXE file (or in Data\ext)?