Problem saving file (SOLVED)

I get informations from a textarea, but i cant save the file.

textarea = encode
filename without extension is a textfield
and my save button

this is my php code

$filename= exo_return_hescriptcom("UserMain.SaveDlgFile", "Error");   

$encoded->Output($encoded, "F");  

encoded is my text in textarea which i get with POST

it opens the save file dialog but the script is not saving anything

Your code looks strange. Shouldn’t it be:

$filename= exo_return_hescriptcom(“UserMain.SaveDlgFile”, “Error”);

$encoded->Output($filename, “F”);

I’ve tested all… now i have this code and i can save a file, but the file is empty

$string = 'xxxxxxxxx';  

header ('Cache-Control: must-revalidate, post-check=0, pre-check=0');
header ('Content-Type: application/octet-stream');
header ('Content-Length: ' . strlen($string));
header ("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=\"$filename\"");  

$filename = exo_return_hescriptcom("UserMain.ExportMyFile", "Error");  

$string->Output($filename, "F");  

This way won’t work.
These instructions especially:

header ('Cache-Control: must-revalidate, post-check=0, pre-check=0');
header ('Content-Type: application/octet-stream');
header ('Content-Length: ' . strlen($string));
header ("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=\"$filename\"");  

Remove the code above and use:

$filename = exo_return_hescriptcom("UserMain.ExportMyFile", "Error");
$string->Output($filename, "F");

You can also check that $filename is a correct full path return by the HEScript function.
For instance, just add
echo $filename;

Thanks alot. This works now for me:

$data = $encoded ; 
		$filename = exo_return_hescriptcom("UserMain.ExportMyFile", "Error");
		include ("export.php");
		echo $success;
		$fp = fopen($filename,'wb');
         echo 'Unable to create output file: '.$filename;
         fwrite($fp, $data);