Problem with chronium (SOLVED)

Have you tried the “Show source” debug option:

This will let you explore the HTML code generated by your PHP code. Please post this HTML code.

I think the problem could be related to the restrictions of Chromium when working with local files.

<?php //$dir = ($_SERVER'DOCUMENT_ROOT'])."/foto/"; //we ust this to point to the virtual directory of exeoutput "/Data" it's a dreictory create by Default!!!!! //$dir = ($_SERVER'DOCUMENT_ROOT']); $dir = exo_getglobalvariable("HEPHPDataPath", ""); $v_dir = "Data"; echo $dir; //check control //we are looking if theare is a direcotry that exist with this name.. if not exist (Do nothing...) i think that we going to putting default photo. if (is_dir($dir)) { //Handle the directory manager if ($handle = opendir($dir)) { //While there are files, please read... while (false !== ($file = readdir($handle))) { //delete de . and .. "files.." there are the file of subdirectory if ($file != "." && $file != "..") { // if the extension is egual to jpg or JPG, please read the file fucking application! if ( (($ext = substr(strrchr($file, '.'), 1)) == "jpg") or (($ext = substr(strrchr($file, '.'), 1)) == "JPG") ) { $page_name=$file; //printf("$dir$page_name
"); //check control //print the image.. we go to use a gallery here! printf(""); //printf("<img src='/Data/'"); //printf(""); } } } } closedir($handle); //close directory handler! } ?>

With this script and using TRIDENT:… all PERFECT…

But if i change to CHRONIUM, i cannot see the image… there are other solution?? :slight_smile:

I advise that with chronium is_dir pass OK and if i use is_file PASS OK…

The only thing that don’t pass is the <img . . . > that when i put the path don’t show IMAGE! (the path is getted from the readdir function)

If i put a wrong image direction it show me the “NO IMAGE FOUND ICON”. . . If i put the correct onlt display a blank image (i already try to put different size width:500px for ej…)…

in the other hand… i can say that the source code it’s the SAME!!!
But in chronium don’t work… :frowning: :frowning:

And i take advantage of this post for one question?
I do i use the preimium support?? I’m a pay user of exeoutput…


C:\Program Files (x86)\EasyPHP-5.3.9\www\Data\Smiley faceSmiley faceSmiley faceSmiley faceSmiley faceSmiley faceSmiley faceSmiley face


C:\Program Files (x86)\EasyPHP-5.3.9\www\Data<img src=‘C:\Program Files (x86)\EasyPHP-5.3.9\www\Data\ejemplo_estuche_1.jpg’ alt=‘Smiley face’ height=‘800px’ width=‘800px’ />Smiley faceSmiley faceSmiley faceSmiley faceSmiley faceSmiley faceSmiley face

Both code are the same… but in TRIDENT i see the image… in CHRONIUM i don’t see them…
i see the image as BLANK IMAGE (No error icon) only the image blank with the ALT TEXT…

I think too that the problem could be related to the restrictions of Chromium when working with local files.
Is There a solution for this problem?!?

Thank you in advance.

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There is a solution highlighted in the General Demo (about extensions and images). You can use PHP to read the image file and return the image’s data. For instance, see:

uh! Thank’s for the trick!!! :wink: