Saving in compiled files fails, VBA compiler throws error

In my quest to find protection for my excel project, I found this software. I downloaded a trial installed in 2 different computers using Windows 10, and Excel 2013. First, I discover that when I click save on the compiled file the system hangs, second, why does user has to select a previous saved file?, gosh all I want is for the file to act normal, you save the file, when you open it again it opens with the saved changes… is there a way to do this? (besides the fact that is hanging my computer and its not working). Having the user that is used to save, re-open, and continue working from where they left having to go through these extra steps to load a file is almost unacceptable.

Second is the VBA compiler. A great idea that I commend, if it worked. I created a brand new Excel file, opened the VBA compiler, tried to copy/paste something and it didn’t work. Tried pressing the buttons, and an error showed up: “Programmatic access to Visual Basic Project is not trusted”, really?! its a brand new empty file, has no passwords, nothing!, I turned out the firewall and anti-virus just in case, nothing, I installed in a different computer, nothing… I have spent hours trying to make this work… its horrible.

I really wanted this to work, but I need some help before I completely give up on this and move on.


The hanging when saving was resolved by itself, what a relief, no idea why it was doing that…

But the problem with the VBA editor remains, help will be greatly appreciated.


Did you read chapter 7 of the user guide? It’s not as simple as copy/paste!
Good luck!

I did read it and saw the video. It is not working for me. Like I said, the XLS VBA Compiler screen doesn’t let me copy/paste code into it, I can only type it manually and only the compile button works without giving me an access error. In addition, I decided to manually enter the code, compile it, manually add the function in VBA, and manually call for that protected function that just shows a msgbox, it didn’t work at all.


Enable “Trust access to the VBA project object model” to let XLS Padlock access your VBA Project. Go to Excel Options > Trust Center > Trust Center Settings… > check “Trust access to the VBA project object model”. Failure to do so will result in an error message “Programmatic access to Visual Basic Project is not trusted”.

For saving encrypted workbooks, the reason is explained in the user guide.

You can’t just copy/paste entire VBA modules in the compiler, it’s not able to handle VBA modules. Instead, you should move some vital and tiny parts of your existing code, and replace this code by a call to compiled code. Thus, if your workbook is somehow unpacked, the compiled VBA code will not be in it and your workbook will fail.