Signing Error 0x80190194

When building my application in ExeOutput I am getting the error:

Signing Error - Code 0x80190194
Warning: code signing failed, an error occurred.

I see that there are topics for this error for both Paquet Builder and HTML Executable and I tried the recommended solution of setting both timestamp URLs to:

However, ExeOutput is now giving the slightly different error:

Signing Error - Code 0x80072EE5
Warning: code signing failed, an error occurred.

Are there any additional steps required to fix this error in ExeOutput?

I use to get all kinds of errors when using URL. I have had mine like below for long time with no issues:

All my certificates are actually from sectigo but I have had better luck not using their time server.

Hope this helps.

Those are the default URLs that I have been using, but they just recently started showing the 0x80190194 error.

I have not used exeout for couple of weeks. Just tried and you are correct, there are issues. Tried a few other services from list at List of free rfc3161 servers. ( and no change.

If I were you, would open a support ticket with exeout. Not sure when @gdgsupport will see this…

Strange. Fails on my laptop but on my desktop it works perfectly. Same internet connection, same environment settings.

Thanks, I have submitted a ticket. Since it’s failing on your laptop but not your desktop, I wonder if the issue is caused by a Windows Update that hasn’t installed on your desktop yet? My computer installed some updates a few days ago.

I was thinking the same. My laptop is Win 10 Home and desktop is Win 10 Pro. Totally different update schedules from my past experience.

Win 10 Pro | Version 1909 | OS build 18363.1440
Win 10 Home | Version 2004 | OS build 19401.867

Any status on this @gdgsupport ?

My desktop will soon be updated…

Same here @gdgsupport with paquetbuilder

For PB, please contact us for a fix.

We are working on the issue for ExeOutput for PHP.