Sqlite db problem

Ok Guys, This is driving me nuts, but it is more likely something simple I’m missing.
I have a php/sqlite app that is working online. In trying to convert that so that I can use it as
a standalone I changed some code (db storage location etc) but no luck. So I did the sensible thing and built a very simple app, so that I could work out where I was going wrong
Here’s the code for the 2 pages

First Page

<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN"



       <table align="center" width="400" height="200" border="1">
               <td colspan="2">Enter your first name and last name</td>  

           </tr> <form action="<?php $_SERVER'php_self'] ?>" method="post">
               <td><input type="text" name="first"> </td>
               <td><input type="text" name="last"> </td>

               <td colspan="2" align="center"><input type="submit" name="send" value="send"> </td>
           </tr> </form>
           <form action="readtest.php">
           <td colspan="2"><input type="submit" value="read" name="send"></td>

    if($_POST'send']) {
// get and assign vars
                    $storagelocation = exo_getglobalvariable('HEPHPDataPath', '');
               sqlite_query('CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS names
               (first varchar(20), last varchar(20), PRIMARY KEY (first)');  

    sqlite_query("insert into names(first,last)


Second Page

<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN"



<body>  <table align="center" width="400" height="200" border="1">
           <form action="index.php">
           <td colspan="2"><input type="submit" value="back" name="send"></td>

                    $storagelocation = exo_getglobalvariable('HEPHPDataPath', '');
                    $result=sqlite_query("select * from names");
                    while($row=sqlite_fetch_array($result)) {
                      echo "<tr><td class='text'>".$row'first']."</td><td class='text'>".$row'last']."</td></tr>";



Now, in page 1, the database is created, but the table is not so consequently, page 2 reads nothing.
What am I missing? Help…Please!!!

Try to add an << echo $storagelocation.‘tester.db’ >> command to see whether the path to the database file is correct.