Support for HTML 5 Push Desktop Notifications

Hi guys, this is just to highlight the need for support of Push Desktop Notifications . As I was working on my project I realized that this feature is needed more than ever in app development because of how engagement goes these days. I know every customer wants something that is engaging and that being said, I think support for desktop notifications should be included in HTMLEXE as it gives a way for the developer/author to keep his/her readers updated in things like new releases, price reduction, other publications etc. That simple little notification can go a looong way. It can also promote web traffic to your website. I think also you will retain your reader base even longer because they will see that the author is still in touch with his publication through notifications. @gdgsupport Please include support for this feature.

We added notifications to ExeOutput 2, so we’ll add them to HTMLEXE5 too.

Great News!!!:grin:

Again looking forward to this feature.

any updates on this feature?