When "ribbons and toolbars" are disabled on a table tab it still can be seen : Help?

When “ribbons and toolbars” are disabled on a table tab the “Design” tab still can be seen. Can this too be disabled?

Unfortunately, no. I’ll see whether this can be done too in next version.

That would be great because I have graphs in mine and I don’t the ribbon to show at all. Thanks

These ribbons too should disappear in XLS Padlock 2. Try to upgrade.

Have upgraded to ver. 2 of XLS Padlock and same issues as the picture that I first posted the Table Tools tab still shows regardless if you select hide ribbons in the final exe file …

Which version of Excel are you using? Do you have a sample workbook that would help us to reproduce the problem?

Hi there. The table ribbon still appears in v2.0. Just tried it.

We have a new test build available. Please check your messages on this forum.

Where is the new build? The chart menu still appears in v2.0

There is no new official build yet. We are working on adding some additional minor changes before releasing it.