Why is my Code Signing Cert saying Unknown Publisher

Help please.
I have an Ascertia Code Signing Certificate with a one month trial period
which I downloaded and its named [email protected] and Microsoft
Certificate Installer likes it and its private key password.

OK now I run my purchased copy of HTML Executable and import the pfx file
to sign my exe and I also entered my associated password with no problems.

Then I put the generated .exe file up on my crsiranon.org website and tried
to download the .exe as a customer would. I have not got a public key file
anywhere as far as i know.

When I try to run the program off the web I see the message
Unknown Publisher
Could not be verified.

I was expecting a Certificate Acceptance to popup.
What’s wrong ?

Incidentally, reading Ascertia knowlegde base it seems that such certificates need to be installed for every pc that reads the eBook
There must be an easier way to distribute an eBook off the internet. Or do I need to put their Ascertia Public CA 1 file on the web too and how does the customer know to load it?

Very confusing

The root certificate of Ascertia is certainly not provided with Windows, that’s why the certificate is not recognized by Windows. See the official CA list: http://social.technet.microsoft.com/wiki/contents/articles/windows-root-certificate-program-members-list-all-cas.aspx
You can also read this article:

Anyway, this is not a problem related to HTML Exe itself.

Thank You,
I spoke with an ISP site engineer later and we figured that. If I fork out for a real CA
cert it will work. As I am in pre-production I won’t do that yet, and will do a Kindle initially, so I wont need one.
But if I sell it via my own ecommerce then the eBook will get me the full value, sans commission so $1000 CA cert is only 600 kindle sales. May well be worth it.

Many thanks.