Works on webspace but not with exeoutput

I wrote a little software for sending emails.
But it currently requires webspace/server to run.
I would like to get a windows executable, thus exeoutput.

When i run the software on webspace and firefox browser it works like a champ, see attached video “works great on web”.

But when i build it with exeoutput there is a massive lag that forces me to reload the page 1 or 2 times
until the changes i make take effect. See attached video “does not work with exeoutput”.

I spent hours trying to figure this out but found no solution yet.
Can you tell me how to fix this?

I also attached my exeoutput project file and source code i successfully run on my webspace.

If i can figure this out i will buy exeoutput.

Attached Files: - Upload files for free and transfer big files easily.

Which version of ExeOutput are you using?
And are you running the .EXE in a writeable folder because you use file_put_contents?

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I’m using the latest trail version of exeoutput.
I will buy it if i can get my program to run.

What do you mean by running the exe in a writeable folder? I’m running it on my desktop.

Originally it did not keep any new settings so i went to the filebrowser window in exeoutput → properties and then selected “Keep the selected file(s) external and copy them to the Data subfolder” for all my program files.

Now it’s remembering/writing the changes i make but with the lagging problem stated above.

C’mon guys i need some help here.

I just had to disable opcache in the php.ini

I’m glad i figured this out.
Really disappointed in the basically non existent support for exeoutput, though.