VBA Compiler - Dynamic array performance

I successfully brought my main function which contains more than 2500 lines of codes into the VBA Compiler. It was able to run eventually and produce similar results compared to what the original VBA codes did. Yay!!!

However, there is an issue - code performance. The compiled code is really sluggish, and it fails with a bit larger data set. Note that the same inputs works fast and perfectly with my original VBA code.
I suspect the culprit for the poor performance of the compiled code could be the DYNAMIC ARRAY, then I conducted a simple test.

The test results show that one of the culprit for the poor performance is indeed the DYNAMIC ARRAY. Not sure if there is any other one or not, but this one is really bad. See the results and codes below.
What do I need to do to improve the Dynamic ARRAY’s performance for use in the VBA compiler?

Array size Running time in seconds
Original VBA Compiled VBA
100 0.109 1.68
200 0.375 15.66
300 1.167 54.26
400 2.77 FAILED
500 5.69 FAILED

'================== Original VBA Code======================
Dim Array_Test() As Double
Dim n As Long
Dim i, j, k As Long
Dim StartTime As Double
Dim ElapsedTime As Double

n = InputBox(“Enter size of three dimentional array”)
StartTime = Timer()
ReDim Array_Test(n, n, n)
i = 1
Do Until i = n
j = 1
Do Until j = n
k = 1
Do Until k = n
Array_Test(i, j, k) = 123.456
k = k + 1
j = j + 1
i = i + 1
MsgBox (“This code ran successfully in " & (Timer() - StartTime) & " seconds”)
Erase Array_Test
End Sub
’================== Original VBA Code======================

'=================== Compiled VBA ==============================================

Sub TEST_XP(Param1)
Dim Array_Test As Double
Dim n As Long
Dim i, j, k As Long
Dim StartTime As Double
Dim ElapsedTime As Double

n = Application.InputBox("Enter size of three dimentional array")

StartTime = Timer()
Array_Test = VarArrayCreate([1,n, 1,n, 1,n],12)
i = 1
Do Until i = n                                  
    j = 1
    Do Until j = n                                 
        k = 1
        Do Until k = n
            Array_Test[i, j, k] = 123.456      
            k = k + 1
        j = j + 1
    i = i + 1
MsgBox ("This code ran successfully in " & (Timer() - StartTime) & " seconds")

End Sub
’=================== Compiled VBA ==============================================

Thank you for your sample. We were able to reproduce the problem. Indeed, dynamic arrays made with VarArrayCreate seem not really effective. We’ll be looking further to this problem.

Thanks for your effort trying to reproduce the problem. Looking forward to having the solution as soon as you can.

Hi there,
Is there any progress regarding this issue? Is it possible to know the time frame for this?