XLS PadLock Error: The Add-in Has Fired an exception

When starting Excel.exe, the following error appear.
Need urgent help, please.


Which version of XLS Padlock are you using? And which version of Excel?

Version 3.0.
My Excel Version 2016.

Excel 2016 isn’t enough because there are a lot of different versions of Excel 2016 nowadays. Please see this page:

What is your Windows version?

Windows 10 64-bit.

If I deactivate XLS Padlock and uninstall it.
Excel works.

Do you use other add-ins? Or an antivirus program?

Adobat and Norton Security.

Did this error occur without any warning? Did you install or update something recently? Because it was working before, right?

I uninstall Microsoft Office 2013 and installed the newly purchased of 2016 office.
I do some more testing and discovered the error only appear if an empty spreadsheet was open, 3 times error appeared and If I ignore by clicking the ok button, then I am allowed to go into excel.
If a spreadsheet with data was opened, there isn’t any error at all.

Please advise.

Is GXLSFormula Object in the add-in required?


The same problem occurs with another PC.
Please help to confirm is this a software bug. Thanks.

Just to be sure, does this occur in XLS Padlock itself or in an EXE file? We still haven’t been able to reproduce the problem with the same environment as yours.

It occurs when a blank new Spreadsheet was executed.
Disable xlspadlock (from add-in not uninstall) in Excel with blank spreadsheet will work.
Enable xlspadlock in Excel with an already contain data spreadsheet will also work too.

It seems to be a local error. Please send us a bug report by doing this:

A bug report sent.
Need gdgsupport help, please.
Thanks in advance.

Go to C:\Users\YOURLOGIN\AppData\Roaming\GDG Software\XLS Padlock and delete all XML files.

Both xlsplpref.xml and xsplprefer.xml files deleted doesn’t help. The error still occurs.

By the way, I am using MS Office Professional Plus 2016 HUP License.
I have removed and reinstalled MS Office again and no improvement.

Please download the following Zip file

and unpack it to the “XLS Padlock” folder, replacing the existing XLSPadlockAddin.dll. Then, if the crash occurs, a more detailed error box should be displayed.